Hey linux Mate,
today I am going set up postgresql for my database in my project . I am going to setup up postgres in my zorins 17 .
Then before What the hell is this ?
If you know that postgres is open source relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses and extends the SQL language to store and manage Data. It was open source developed at the University of California, Berkely . It is used by many companies and organizations .Now it is maintained by PostgreSQL Global Development Group. PostgreSQL provides many features, such as support for ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions, advanced data types, extensibility through custom functions and procedures, and the ability to scale horizontally by clustering multiple servers together. It is known for its stability, robustness, and performance, and is widely used in production environments by both small and large organizations.
OK this GK I have copy paste form chatGPT 🙂
Now we are going to step forward to install .
if you do not have installed “nala” then I will recommend you to install it first.
why should you install nala ?
However, the three most essential features Nala uses to improve the APT experience are:
- Parallel package downloads.
- The ability to select the fastest mirrors.
- Package transaction history.
so moving forward after install this nala
first we have to update our system core packages by below commands. open your gnome terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T and type these commands.
sudo nala update && sudo nala upgrade
BashAdd Official Repository
you can donwload postgres from official repository , you will get more fequent update than official ubuntu repository . First, you should install prerequisite software packages that will be used to download and install software certificates for a secure SSL connection.
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
ShellScriptthe, we have to get a certificates, add it to api key management . utility and and create new configuration file with an official postgresSQL repository address inside .
wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -
ShellScriptThen step forward to install postgresql
Postgresql install
sudo nala update
ShellScriptnow we are going to do actual postgres install .This will install the latest PostgreSQL version along with the newest extensions and additions that are not yet officially part of the PostgreSQL core.
sudo nala -y install postgresql
ShellScriptCheck Postgresql Status
Now we are going to check out pqsql status wheater it’s active or not .
service postgresql status
ShellScriptYou find a output like this with green active word .
Start Using PostgreSQL via command line
when we install postgresql by default it create a admin user for us called “postgres” also this craete a default database called “postgres” .When you start psql by default pgsql connects us to default database called “postgres” .
for starting postgresql in ubuntu just type thsi command on your gnome terminal
sudo -u postgres psql
ShellScriptyou will get a output like this .
if you wants to know about our connection info just type “conninfo”
you will get a output like this
we are now connected to database “postgres” as user “postgres”.
If we want to see a list of all the databases that are available on a server, use l command.
And to see a list of all the users with their privileges use du command.
Since the default “postgres” user does not have a password, you should set it yourself.
As I am not a new user or fresh installer so do not have to do this again .
to change password
then just type new password then enter
Create new database
You are now connected to your database server through psql command line tool with full access rights, so it’s time to create a new database.
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE star;
ShellScriptAfter the new “star” database is created, connect to it.
Now you are ready to start creating tables where your data will be stored. Let’s create your first table with a primary key, and three client attributes.
postgres=# CREATE TABLE clients (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR, role VARCHAR);
ShellScriptYou may double check that your new table is created successfully by typing a dt command.
Let’s now insert the first row into your newly created “clients” table.
INSERT INTO clients (first_name, last_name, role) VALUES ('John', 'Smith', 'CEO');
ShellScriptAnd query the table to get all its rows.
SELECT * FROM clients;
ShellScriptAs you can see, John Smith has been successfully added to the “clients” table of the “star” database.