
Hi 👋

My name is Quazi Mohammad Aldin fardin Aka Aldinn, and I’m currently living in Chittagong, Bangladesh.

I’m a self learned Software Developer and enjoy tinkering within the Software Engineering space as often as I can. I love cycling, I love music. I contribute to open source projects at leisure. I would love to pursue challenging opportunities which contribute to a better tomorrow for all of us!

Favorite Topics

Currently, I am very interested in PythonDjango, and Software Engineering in general.

I’m also very keen in the world of DevOps and Containerization.


I’m currently working as an idle means no job .


A lot of my experience is predominantly around the backend Django , in Html-Css & Js. Below though is a list of tools and technologies that I have experience with:

Programming / Scripting Languages

  1. C
  2. Python
  3. JavaScript
  4. Typescript
  5. React
  6. Bash Scripting


  1. Django
  2. Tailwndcss
  3. Fast Api
  4. Rest Framework

Operating Systems

  1. MacOS
  2. Ubuntu
  3. Debian
  4. Windows
  5. especially WSL

What do I want to learn next?

  1. AWS
  2. GCloud
  3. Digital Ocean
  4. Terraform
  5. Cloudformation
  6. AWS CDK
  7. Chef
  8. Ansible

Monitoring and Observability

  1. Prometheus
  2. Grafana

Database Technologies

  1. MySQL
  2. Postgres

Other Tools

  1. Kubernetes
  2. Docker
  3. Git
  4. Makefiles
  5. Intellij IDEA
  6. VSCode
  7. Atom